FAQs for School Staff

What incentives can you offer our school?
We offer three great incentives. Choose from any of the following options:
Percentage of total profits donated to your school fund
Year 6 Leavers' Packs
Stunning Staff Photography

Do you have a letter-template to send Parents?
Yes, a letter-template for parents will be enclosed as standard, with the delivery of your proofs.
It is also contained as a file on a disc, so you can cut and paste it onto your letter-headed paper.

Will the Photographer need much space?
For portraits and sibling photos we usually recommend a space of no smaller than 12'x18'.
However, for ease of access with the class group photos we may ask to use your School Hall, or weather-permitting we will take them outside.

How long does the photography take?
When taking single-pose individual portraits, It usually takes us between 10-15mins a class.
However, sibling photos, additional poses and nursery classes often require a few additional minutes!

Can you take some new photographs for our website or print items?
Yes, we'd be delighted to produce some stunning images of your school.
If you'd like to arrange this, simply vist our 'contact' page.

Can you film an exciting Promotional Video about our school?
Yes, we'd be delighted to produce a highly engaging video that will make your school look stunning.
If you'd like to arrange this, simply visit our 'contact' page for further information.